Find pull requests that modify a file path in the terminal

Ever wondered how others are changing the same file you are working on? It can give insights into what a particular piece of code will look like in the future. Certainly, it can also help OSS newcomers to identify how others are building a particular feature
Well, today’s post is to solve just that. Let’s build a simple shell script for ourselves, shall we?
Before we start working on anything, make sure you have the following CLI tools installed
Once you install
, make sure to authenticate yourself usinggh auth login
Gimme pull requests
Our first job is to ask the user to choose a local file path to look for. This can be done by parsing git ls-files
, for better interactivity we are going to use fzf
as well
git_file=$(git ls-files | fzf \
--prompt="Choose File: " \
--height 40% --reverse \
--header="Choose a file to find pull requests on github that modify it"
Once that’s settled we need to find all the open pull requests, this is done by gh pr list
fetch_prs() {
printf "%s\n\n" "Hold tight while we look for PRs âś‹đź‘€ that modify $git_file"
all_open_prs=$(gh pr list --limit $pr_fetch_limit --json number,title,url,files,author,baseRefName,headRefName)
total_prs=$(jq length <<< "$all_open_prs")
By default gh
only loads 30 open pull requests. For now, we have increased that limit to 100, later we will fix this by giving user the control on this value.
If you execute this above code we will get an output similar to this
"author": {
"login": "authorUsername"
"baseRefName": "somebranch",
"files": [
"path": ".gitmodules",
"additions": 2,
"deletions": 2
"headRefName": "dev",
"number": 300,
"title": "my new feature",
"url": ""
Notice we get all the files changed in a PR inside the files
array. We can simply loop over all the elements of this JSON array to filter our git_file
for (( pri=0; pri<total_prs; pri++ )); do
readarray -t changed_files < <(echo "$all_open_prs" | jq .["$pri"].files[].path)
if [[ "${changed_files[*]}" =~ ${git_file} ]]; then
pr_branch=$(jq -r .["$pri"].headRefName <<< "$all_open_prs")
base_branch=$(jq -r .["$pri"].baseRefName <<< "$all_open_prs")
printf "%s " "$(jq -r .["$pri"].title <<< "$all_open_prs") ($pr_branch âžś $base_branch)"
printf "%s\n" "by $(jq -r .["$pri"].author.login <<< "$all_open_prs")"
printf "%s\n\n" "PR Link: $(jq -r .["$pri"].url <<< "$all_open_prs")"
if [[ $prs_count == 0 ]]; then
printf "%s\n" "Oops!, No pull requests found that modify this file path"
printf "%s\n" "Found $prs_count open pull requests that modify $git_file"
A bunch of things are going on in this piece of code
- We convert our JSON array of changed files path to a bash array
. - We loop over each path to see if it matches the user-provided path or not.
- We output any necessary info we need to, like PR link, base and target branches, and author username
Wait something’s missing right 🤔? What about diffs? The gh pr list
command doesn’t provide the diff data, although we can use a different command gh pr diff
to get diff for a particular PR
get_diff() {
if [[ $show_diff = 1 ]];then
printf "%s\n" "Getting diff for PR #$2"
# filepath with escaped slashes
gh pr diff --color always "$2" | sed -n "/diff --git a\/$clean_filepath/d;/diff/q;p"
printf "\n"
is gonna be a global flag that we are gonna control through script arguments. More on that later
Note that we need to show diff for only 1 file path, which the user provided. To do that we have used sed
to get everything between the pattern 1,/diff --git a/<filepath>
and diff
which marks the diff for the next file change.
It’s time to put everything together. Let’s add some driver code to execute our script correctly
while getopts "dl:" o; do
case "${o}" in
if [[ "$d" == "" ]]; then
printf "%s\n" "You seem to be lost" && exit
if [[ $l != "" ]];then
printf "%s\n" "Using $pr_fetch_limit as PR fetch limit."
printf "%s\n" "Using $pr_fetch_limit as default PR fetch limit. Pass the -l flag to modify it"
Demo & Source
The source is available here if you want to reference or hack anything. You can install the script
# make sure to move it somewhere in your path like /usr/local/bin
wget -q && chmod +x git-prs
I took the liberty to beautify the output from our script. Here is how the finalized version looks like
Todos & Takeaways
There are a bunch of things that can take this script to the next level
- We need to provide a permalink to the file change inside a PR, although its limited by Github’s API.
- Support for fetching closed/merged PRs as well using
gh pr list --state all
or better asking the user what they want. - Although we were able to parse out diff for a single file path, I believe it’s a very nasty & error-prone way to do it and ideally, this feature should exist within
. I have created an issue to track this, let’s see where it goes.