College is finally over

📅️ Published: October 1, 2020  • 🕣 1 min read

So a small life update ? I mean this could have been a twitter thread as well but you know I have started liking expressing my views like this moreover I wanted to remember this date ;)

Today was my last exam (project evaluation) and I have finally completed my under graduation.

I want to thank all my friends who taught me a lot during these 3 weird, strange, awkward, stupid and exciting years.

I may not be able to express my love through this blog but you know you guys are special and I learned a lot from all of you : Animesh, Pranav, Priyankan, Vipin, Prajesh, Taranpreet, Archit, Nagendra & Anish. Also some people I had less interactions with but can’t forget you guys : Suraj, Himanshu, Sid, Karan, Ashish & Kartik.

My best wishes with everyone 💟. Hope you have a wonderful journey ahead!

What’s next ?

tbh I don’t really know 2020 is almost over and for the next few weeks I will be busy with my MCA entrance examinations and hopefully will do an internship in between (want to hire me? email).

I will be blogging a lot from now on, I have a bucket list of different ideas to talk about, you can subscribe to my newsletter/mailing list to be updated. Or you can just follow me on twitter

That’s it. thanks for reading